The sooner you master time management in your startup, the better for your effectiveness as a leader. David Stack’s original article was published on Entrepreneur. Time management and prioritization is critical in a startup that is growing rapidly. It is...
David Stack’s original article entitled “How being transparent helps scale your company” was published by Entrepreneur. You can read that by following this link. In the following graphic, David gives a visual representation of how transparency helps...
Transparency is a critical element in any company, especially at a startup, to help support the scaling of the organization. As a CFO of several startups I have seen and contributed to the power transparency can have on growing organizations. Values — This is...
Managing one’s career, especially within a startup, almost always falls upon the individual to look out for what is best. There are varying degrees of career development and support within startups, but in the early days there isn’t a lot of time or money allocated to...